NAB's Gordon Smith: We're Fine with House Version Of Spectrum Bill
National Association of Broadcasters President Gordon Smith said he recognizes that spectrum auctions are a "footnote" in the debate over the end-of-the year legislative package currently being debated and negotiated on Capitol Hill. "But we happen to be a footnote that is a pay-for," said the former Oregon senator, "and that is pretty valuable right now on Capitol Hill."
Smith was referring to the fact that the auctions are slated to provide $15 billion or so for deficit reduction after broadcasters are compensated for giving up or repacking spectrum and an emergency broadband communications network is paid for. Smith said he expected spectrum auctions would be included in whatever must-pass bill passes. He said NAB is OK with that so long as broadcaster protections in the current House-passed version of the legislation is preserved, particularly including one directing the FCC to resolve issues with stations on the border with Canada and Mexico. He also said he appreciated the Senate version, but that the "last pieces" NAB needed to give consumers service without interference and broadcasters to move without any more "detriment" than they included in the switch to digital, was provided in the House bill, which had more protections for broadcasters.