Group calls for public-private alliance to protect cyberspace
As Congress turns its focus to cybersecurity matters, 26 major business and trade associations are seeking to remind lawmakers that cyberspace is "a bulwark of the global economy." The group sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) urging action to protect "the prosperity and security of our interconnected world" by focusing on five policy objectives the businesses and associations believe would improve the nation's readiness to face attacks on its information infrastructure.
The private sector owns and operates the "vast majority" of systems that are regularly subject to cyberattacks, and has "the greatest incentive to manage and defend against them," the group said. Despite private ownership, the group acknowledged "widespread agreement that the protection and resilience of these systems and assets require the public and private sectors to work together" to improve information-sharing techniques while safeguarding personal privacy. Legislation should therefore limit private-sector liability arising out of any information-sharing meant to improve cybersecurity, the group said.