Federal Communications Commission and National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
9:30 AM – 4 PM EDT
The workshop will provide an overview of how collocations can promote the availability of mobile broadband, public safety, and other wireless services in a manner consistent with community priorities. Panelists will discuss the technical, structural, and business considerations underlying collocations on a variety of structure types, including wireless towers, AM radio/broadcast towers, public safety communications towers, utility infrastructure, rooftops, and water tanks. The workshop will explore examples of cooperative solutions that have facilitated wireless deployment while recognizing community interests. We will also discuss the significance of the FCC’s Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation of Wireless Antennas.
Collocation Workshop Agenda
9:30 am Opening Remarks
Rick Kaplan, Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, FCC
Jennifer Manner, Deputy Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, FCC
Anthony Perez, President-Elect, NATOA
Joyce Dickerson, Chairman, FCC Intergovernmental Affairs Committee and
Councilwoman, Richland County, GA
10:00 am Presentation: The Legal Framework Governing Collocations
Jeffrey Steinberg, Deputy Chief, Spectrum & Competition Policy Division, Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau, FCC
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Panel #1: Technical, Business and Structural Considerations for Collocations
Brian Kooyman, Manager, Wireless Network/Site Development, Sprint Nextel
Neil Kuplic, Vice President and Director of Structural Engineering Services, FDH
Engineering Inc.
Ed Roach, Associate General Counsel for Regulatory Compliance, SBA Communications
Moderators: Dan Abeyta, Assistant Chief, and Don Johnson, Attorney, Spectrum & Competition Policy Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, FCC
12:00 noon Lunch Break
(Attendees are encouraged to bring lunch or to purchase lunch in the
FCC courtyard restaurant and bring back to the FCC Meeting Room)
1:00 pm Remarks and Recognition to Hanover County, VA
Jane Jackson, Associate Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, FCC
1:15 pm Panel #2: Collocations on Non-Traditional Towers and Other Structures
Public Safety Towers: Phil Heins, Former Emergency Director, Hanover County, VA,
and Monica Gambino, Vice President, Crown Castle USA Inc.
Rooftop Collocations: Monica Gambino, Vice President, Crown Castle USA Inc.
AM Radio Towers: Christopher Horne, Chief Technical Officer, LBA Group, Inc., and
John Trent, President, Putbrese Hunsaker & Trent
Utility Infrastructure: Connie Durcsak, President, United Telecom Council
Railroad Towers: Robert Raville, Vice President, Railroad Development, Global
Towers, LLC
Moderators: Dan Abeyta, Assistant Chief, and Don Johnson, Attorney, Spectrum &
Competition Policy Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, FCC
2:15 pm Panel #3: Success Stories – State, Local, and Federal Models
Georgia: Kimberly Adams, Co-Chair of the Regulatory Committee, Georgia Wireless
Cary, NC: Timothy Piccirilli, Area Director, Project Management, American Tower
San Clemente and Anaheim, CA: CJ Armstrup, Planning Services Manager, Anaheim, CA, and Tim Brown, Business Development Manager, Towerco, Inc.
FCC Collocation Review: Nancy Schamu, Executive Director, National Association of State Historic Preservation Officers, and William Hackett, Senior Manager of Federal Regulatory Compliance, T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Rural New Mexico and West Texas: Jenna Metznik, Director of Regulatory Compliance, American Tower Corporation, and Greg Whiteaker, Counsel, Plateau Telecommunications, LLC
Moderators: Jeffrey Steinberg, Deputy Chief, Spectrum & Competition Policy
Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, FCC, and Anthony Perez, President-Elect, NATOA
3:45 pm Wrap-Up and Adjournment
Attendance. This workshop is open to the public. All attendees are advised to arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the workshop to allow time to go through our security process. Attendees are not required to pre-register, but may submit their name and company affiliation ahead of time by sending an email to Jim Swartz (james.swartz@fcc.gov) in order to expedite the check-in process.
Webcast. The FCC will webcast the workshop on the FCC webpage. To view the webcast, go to www.fcc.gov/live on the day of the event. Viewers may submit questions by e-mail to livequestions@fcc.gov. Viewers are encouraged but not required to pre-register. Please send an e-mail to james.swartz@fcc.gov to pre-register for the webcast.