Bloggers Debate the Treatment of Arab Women
A column by an Egyptian-American journalist that was posted on the website of Foreign Policy magazine sparked a complex and passionate debate online about the treatment of women in the Arab world last week. Written more than a year after the onset of the "Arab Spring" and headlined "Why Do They Hate Us?" the piece by Mona Eltahawy argues that women in the Arab world suffer from systematic injustices that are unlikely to change despite the revolutions and upheaval occurring in the region.
For the week of April 23-27, the discussion surrounding the Foreign Policy piece was the fourth largest subject on blogs, according to the New Media Index from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. The commentary on blogs-including from a number of Arab women-was for the most part highly critical of Eltahawy's views, as respondents suggested that her view played into gender stereotypes of the region. The piece also generated interest on Twitter and Facebook, though it did not rank among the top stories. On those social media platforms, the tenor was mixed, but generally more supportive then critical.