Hey, CJR; Let's Do the Time Warp Again!
[Commentary] Over at the Columbia Journalism Review, Steven Waldman laments that the media ownership debate is "stuck in a bit of a 1980s time warp." Well, gag me with a spoon.
Waldman, a respected former Federal Communications Commission official who authored the agency's exhaustive "future of media" report, dismisses the latest moves by the FCC to eliminate longstanding limits on how much media one company can own in a single market as "hardly radical." What else would you call eliminating the only rules that would prevent Rupert Murdoch from adding the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to his media empire? Terrible? Apocalyptic? Insane? How about just plain wrong? As Charlie Pierce recently wrote in Esquire about the phone-hacking and Petraeus-backing head of News Corp.: "There is simply no reason for any country anywhere in the world ever to do favors for Rupert Murdoch ever again." Yet that's exactly what the FCC is proposing to do. For a guy who has spent so much time thinking about the crisis in journalism, Waldman seems strangely oblivious to how we actually got into the current mess.