Why Independent Music Fans Need Real Network Neutrality
[Commentary] The online sphere for independent music has offered its fans access to and information about a greater diversity of music than ever before. What makes this possible is Network Neutrality, the principle that all traffic should be treated equally, regardless of who made it; meaning your favorite cassette label’s website, music videos, or other data can flow just as effectively as OneRepublic’s. But now a new class of potential gatekeepers has emerged in the form of Internet Service Providers, the companies we pay for online access, and what’s being hoarded is attention and access. Musicians have been active in this fight before the concept of net neutrality even had a name, and this year, as the issue came to national attention, musicians were again among those leading the charge. Whether you care about music for its entertainment value, for its cultural vitality, or for its ability to resist representations, respond in protest and elevate voices of cultural dissent, it’s time to listen closely.
[Kevin Erickson is Communications&Outreach Manager at the Future of Music Coalition]