January 2015

FirstNet Holds Federal Consultation “Kick Off”

FirstNet formally initiated the federal consultation process with a “kick-off” meeting in Washington, DC, involving more than a dozen federal departments and agencies.

The main objectives of the meeting were to enhance federal agencies’ understanding of FirstNet’s consultation process and to discuss future outreach and engagement between FirstNet and its federal partners. Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate and FirstNet Board member Suzanne Spaulding opened the meeting by discussing the unique opportunity that FirstNet is providing the public safety community, noting that “although we have a mandate to build the network, there is no requirement for you to subscribe” to it. The principal result of the kickoff summit was the preparation of the federal agencies for the FirstNet consultation process. FirstNet will be delivering to the agency points of contact an initial consultation checklist that is similar to the one used by states and territories. Using the information gained from the checklist, FirstNet will schedule one-one-one meetings with the agencies in the coming months to begin discussing their needs and requirements for the network.

Hollywood's devastating gender divide, explained

On the red carpet, women are the stars of America's film industry, but on the screen they only star in 15 percent of films. And that percentage hasn't gotten any better since the 1930s. Hollywood has a gender problem.

The movies it produces vastly underrepresent women, and portray them in ways that place them as inferior to their male costars. Just 10.7 percent of movies produced between 2007 and 2012 featured casts that had equal men and women. Women are also paid less: The top 10 highest-paid actors from 2013 made a collective $465 million dollars. The top 10 highest-paid actresses made $181 million. When we talk about "gender representation" in Hollywood, we're talking about two things: 1) The percentage of people on the screen and producing what's on the screen who are women and 2) The ways in which those women are represented. Representation onscreen is so important because Hollywood films reach people all over the globe, and they significantly impact the way that we see women in the world. What we see on the silver screen, ultimately, tells us what to believe about ourselves, and the world around us. The most potent argument for those demanding changes in gender representation is this: women make up 50 percent of the population. So why don't they make up 50 percent of Hollywood as well?

10 Actionable Ways to Actually Increase Diversity in Tech

[Commentary] Here are some researched-backed methods to make real progress in your diversity efforts:

1) We will keep the focus on changing company culture and avoiding focusing only or primarily on the "pipeline"
2) We will demonstrate top leadership support and accountability
3) We will involve "majority-group" members in change efforts
4) We will ensure an ongoing commitment to reporting and tracking the data
5) We will expand the kinds of data we collect
6) We will help managers learn to reduce unconscious biases
7) We will analyze job descriptions, recruitment strategies, and interview practices for hidden biases
8) We will consciously develop and sponsor highly qualified underrepresented talent
9) We will ensure productive team environments where all members can contribute to innovation and problem solving
10) We will implement flexible work-life policies and make it okay to actually use these policies without overt or subtle repercussions

[Catherine Ashcraft is a Senior Research Scientist at the National Center for Women & Information Technology]

Comcast's service flub adds to mounting complaints

When Louis Moravec and Susan Thauer moved into a new home in Philadelphia, it took 24 days for Comcast to set up TV and Internet service.

When technicians did show up, they repeatedly came without the right cables or equipment to outfit the newly built house. When they didn't show, the couple heard what seemed like bizarre excuses. They were told, for instance, that when a service representative offered an emergency appointment, the representative was merely making a request to dispatchers free to turn it down. Moravec and Thauer estimate that they spent more than 50 hours on the phone with Comcast employees, often on hold for as long as two hours. Amid the mess that Moravec said "borders on the Kafkaesque" came the final absurdity: notice that they were about to be billed for another month's service. After finally connecting the couple's home, Comcast admitted fault in a statement. Comcast also said the customers would be given a credit for the weeks they went without service.

Yahoo Was the GE of the Internet

[Commentary] From around 1998-2003, Yahoo was the breeding ground for the best and brightest cross-functional leaders on the Internet.

These “Yahoo Bosses” have been indispensable as the critical managers who have stitched together the fabric of what makes today’s leading Internet companies and the Silicon Valley ecosystem thrive. If not for Yahoo, it would have been difficult for there to be a Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, PayPal, Uber, Pinterest -- you name it. Regardless of the organizational function, whether it is in finance, human resources, legal, sales, engineering, product management, investing or building the next big thing, Yahoo’s managers knew how to operate on the Internet.

[Rob Soloman is a Venture Partner at Accel Partners]

Having Nixed Subsidies, T-Mobile Tries a Different Kind of Phone Discount Program

T-Mobile is offering a program called Score, where, for a $5 monthly fee, customers get various discounts toward their next phone purchase.

After six months in the program, T-Mobile says customers can get a free low-end smartphone, or after a year Score members can get a discount on top-of-the-line models like the Galaxy S5 or Nexus 6. It’s an unusual approach, with customers paying ahead for an uncertain discount on their next phone. For T-Mobile, though, the benefit of Score is clear as customers will be, in essence, incentivizing themselves to stick with the carrier for their next phone.

Campaigns Need to Accept That Print is Dead

[Commentary] Despite the death of print, most campaigns from Senate through state House still spend a disproportionate amount of time strategizing about how to deal with newspaper editors and reporters. We would argue that “earned media” campaign strategy focusing on all media outlets is about to be dead, too. Campaigns and candidates have to reassess how much time they put into earned media strategy, versus social media strategy, versus fundraising versus direct-voter contact.

We would argue in most races that aren't for President, almost none of the candidate’s time should be spent dealing with the media. This is bad news and we don’t like it. Between us we’ve worked for print, radio, and TV news outlets. Our company was built on our media relations and crisis management skills, as much as our advertising expertise. Today, there just isn’t a demand from media outlets for local political stories. Why, then, should campaigns burn the midnight oil to supply them with content if it’s akin to pushing a rope? In campaigns, we’ve arrived essentially at campaigns without newspapers playing a meaningful role. Many great Americans are surely turning in their graves.

[Bill Fletcher and John Rowley are partners in the Democratic media firm of Fletcher Rowley]

CTIA Names Tom Power Senior Vice President and General Counsel

CTIA-The Wireless Association announced Tom Power as its Senior Vice President and General Counsel, effective immediately.

With more than twenty-five years of public service and private sector experience, Power will be an integral member of CTIA’s senior leadership team under President and CEO Meredith Attwell Baker. Power will succeed Michael Altschul who is retiring after more than two decade of service. Power served as the US Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Telecommunications in the White House Office of Science and Technology Office from August 2011 until December 2014. Previously, Power served as Chief of Staff for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, United States Department of Commerce from April 2009 through August 2011.

Facebook Said to Block Pages on Muhammad to Avoid Ban in Turkey

To avoid being banned throughout Turkey, Facebook has blocked Turkish users’ access to a number of pages containing content that the authorities had deemed insulting to the Prophet Muhammad. Apparently, the company acted to comply with an order from a Turkish court. The court order was issued on Jan 25 at the request of a local prosecutor in Ankara, the capital.

What are the Elements of Sound Data Breach Legislation?

Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade
House Commerce Committee
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Elizabeth Hyman
Executive Vice President
Public Policy, Tech America, powered by CompTIA

Jennifer Glasgow
Chief Privacy Officer
Acxiom Corporation

Brian Dodge
Executive Vice President
Communications and Strategic Initiatives
Retail Industry Leaders Association

Woodrow Hartzog
Associate Professor
Cumberland School of Law