Sponsored Data and Net Neutrality: Will Verizon FreeBee Avoid Problems?
Verizon announced a new sponsored data offering dubbed FreeBee that will enable wireless customers to view some mobile content without having it count against their monthly data allotments. Verizon FreeBee sounds a bit like the sort of offering network neutrality advocates hoped to prevent. But at the time Verizon announced its own Go90 content offering, a Verizon executive said the company also would offer a sponsored content option for the service and that it expected to avoid net neutrality issues by offering sponsorship options to other content providers as well.
Verizon likely will argue that the service isn’t paid prioritization because it doesn’t involve traffic engineering in the network. And because Verizon is offering the service to Go90 competitors, the company likely expects to avoid running afoul of the net neutrality guideline that prevent carriers from favoring their own content offerings.