FCC Chairman Wheeler on Digital Equity
The title of the Sesame Workshop report gets it exactly right: “Opportunity for All.” It reminds us that the struggle for digital equity is part of the struggle to uphold our most fundamental American values. We can do better. We must do better. One way we will do better is by retooling the Federal Communications Commission’s Lifeline program. A modernized Lifeline allows participants the opportunity to move to the other side of the digital divide, eventually erasing the line between Internet haves and have-nots. So the first principle of Lifeline reform is allowing the program to support both fixed and mobile broadband service.
Promoting adoption of broadband goes hand-in-hand with efforts to ensure access. The ConnectHome initiative is the laudable result. Moving forward, when we talk about digital equity, we need to remember that we’re talking a key part of the answer to many of our nation’s greatest challenges – issues like income inequality, job creation, economic growth, US competitiveness. The stakes couldn’t be much higher. That’s why the FCC won’t let our foot off the gas in our efforts to promote opportunity and prosperity through communications technology. And that’s why we all need to continue working together to expand the benefits of broadband to all Americans.