March 2020

Coronavirus has made peak internet usage into the new normal

Millions of people are working from home, children are attending school remotely, and they've all turned to their home broadband connections to stay connected. So far networks in the US and the world have been holding up even as usage spikes. But will it continue? "To be honest, I think we just don't know the answer," said Jon Sallet, a senior fellow at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, and a former general counsel at the Federal Communications Commission.

US students are being asked to work remotely. But 22% of homes don't have internet

Nationwide, approximately 22% of households don’t have home internet, including more than 4 million households with school-age children.

Lobbyists Pile On to Get Wins for Clients Into Coronavirus Stimulus Package

From Boeing to Verizon Communications, scores of US companies and industries are furiously lobbying Congress to add measures to the Trump administration’s massive stimulus package to deal with the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, some of which address issues that long predate the outbreak.