March 2020

Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon Should Suspend Data Caps Because of Coronavirus

For years, US broadband providers have taken advantage of a lack of US competition by imposing arbitrary and expensive broadband usage caps and "overage fees." With the country facing a massive surge in videoconferencing and home learning thanks to the coronavirus epidemic, experts say it’s time for broadband providers to suspend these costly, unnecessary restrictions. Thanks to limited competition, affordable broadband is just out of reach for many US residents.

Sen Moran Introduces Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act

Senate Consumer Protection Subcommittee Chairman Jerry Moran (R-KS) introduced the Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act to strengthen the laws that govern consumers’ personal data and create clear standards and regulations for American businesses that collect, process and use consumers’ personally identifiable data. The Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act would:

Biden vs Bernie on Net Neutrality

Democrats once touted network neutrality as political dynamite, but now hardly any seem to realize their party’s presidential frontrunner has said nothing about it — now a key difference between former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as they vie to secure the Democratic presidential nomination.

FCC Concludes Largest Ever Spectrum Auction

The Federal Communications Commission announced the conclusion of bidding in Auction 103, which made 3,400 megahertz of millimeter-wave spectrum available in the Upper 37 GHz, 39 GHz, and 47 GHz bands. The auction had a total of $7,558,703,201 in net bids, with 28 bidders winning a total of 14,142 of 14,144, or more than 99.9%, of available licenses. “The successful conclusion of Auction 103—the largest amount of spectrum offered in an auction in US history—is one more significant step the FCC has taken toward maintaining American leadership in 5G,” said FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

Edward Parkinson Named Executive Director of First Responder Network Authority

The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) Board announced that Edward Parkinson has been named Executive Director of the organization.

FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel Calls On FCC To Take Aggressive Action To Assist With Coronavirus Response

The coronavirus is already exposing hard truths about the digital divide, but the Federal Communications Commission has the power to help. Nationwide this crisis means that we are going to explore the expansion of telework, telehealth, and tele-education. The FCC should immediately convene the country’s broadband providers to discuss what they are doing right now to provide service for Americans.

Broadband Availability Data Should Improve with Passage of Broadband DATA Act

Broadband availability data should improve with the March 10 passage of the Broadband DATA Act. The legislation now just awaits President Donald Trump’s signature before becoming law. Key provisions of the bill include: