July 2022

FCC Proposes Updated Rules to Eliminate Access Arbitrage

The Federal Communications Commission proposed rules that would modify the intercarrier compensation regime to address ongoing harmful arbitrage practices that raise costs for long-distance carriers and their customers. The FCC seeks comment on proposed changes to its Access Stimulation Rules to ensure that they apply to traffic that terminates through providers of IP-enabled services (IPES Providers).

FCC Begins Proceeding on Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence

The Federal Communications Commission opened an inquiry to evaluate how FCC programs might help survivors of domestic violence and other harmful abuse get access to connectivity services. The Notice of Inquiry seeks comment on whether the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Programs can be modified to support the connectivity needs of survivors.

FCC Establishes Enhanced Competition Incentive Program

The Federal Communications Commission voted to create a new Enhanced Competition Incentive Program (ECIP) to establish incentives for wireless licensees to make underutilized spectrum available to small carriers, Tribal Nations, and entities serving rural areas. The new program encourages licensees to partition, disaggregate, or lease spectrum to better match available spectrum resources with entities that seek to provide needed services to under-connected communities.


Federal Communications Commission

Tue, 09/13/2022 - 10:00 to 17:00

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau will host a workshop on the environmental compliance and historic preservation review process required for the construction of communications facilities supporting FCC licensed services. The workshop will include information relevant to the construction of new communications towers and the collocation of communications equipment on existing towers and other structures, including requirements for Antenna Structure Registration.