July 2022

Brightspeed goes big with Missouri fiber build plan

Market announcements from new fiber provider Brightspeed continue to roll, with the company setting its sights on a substantial buildout in Missouri as its latest target. The company said it plans to reach more than 130,000 locations across 19 counties in the state by the end of 2023. That figure is set to jump to more than 310,000 by the end of its five-year build plan. At least for its initial build, projects will span Boone, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Dent, Gasconade, Howell, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Marion, Moniteau, Nodaway, Oregon, Phelps, St.

WCO Spectrum has $1 billion in active offers to buy 2.5 GHz spectrum

The private investment company WCO Spectrum has been a thorn in the side of T-Mobile for the past year or more. WCO has been reaching out to educational institutions that own 2.5 GHz licenses and who lease that spectrum to T-Mobile. The investment firm has been offering to purchase those licenses, while T-Mobile has fought these transactions tooth and nail. WCO Managing Partner Carl Katerndahl said WCO has been involved in 13 transactions, but T-Mobile used its right-of-first-refusal to buy the spectrum in 10 of the deals.

New York libraries check out CBRS as Wi-Fi alternative

In New York City (NY), students without broadband access face additional challenges given the reduced number of parking lots and places more rural students have been forced to go to get wi-fi during the pandemic. “A number of donors offered to help fund initiatives to extend Wi-Fi,” remembers Garfield Swaby, vice president for information technology at the New York Public Library. But Swaby knew Wi-Fi wasn’t the answer. “I don’t know if it would be able to get off the sidewalk,” he said.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes to Increase Minimum Broadband Speeds

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has circulated to her colleagues a Notice of Inquiry that would kick off the agency’s annual evaluation of the state of broadband across the country. As part of this assessment, Chairwoman Rosenworcel proposed increasing the national standard for minimum broadband speeds and proposed setting a long-term goal for broadband speed.