August 2023

Giving Old Technology a New Purpose

What do carrots, digital equity, and helping the environment have in common? In 2019, the US generated 7 million tons of electronic waste, with millions of computers, phones, and other internet-enabled devices going to landfills. These staggering numbers are not only a serious environmental concern, but a missed opportunity. As advocates and policymakers work to connect the last 20% of unconnected Americans, a significant obstacle is a lack of affordable devices.


R Street Institute

Tue, 09/12/2023 - 15:00 to 17:00

Over the last 20 years or so, the federal government has invested over $200 billion in efforts to bridge the digital divide. With more than 120 programs in place, the digital divide should be a distant memory. Yet it persists, and millions of Americans remain disconnected from the benefits of broadband. However, there is a bright spot among these broadband programs—one broadband program to rule them all. 

Millions of Households Are at Risk of Losing Internet Access

Starting after Labor Day 2023, classes will be back in session for members of Congress as they return to Washington (DC) from their August 2023 recess. At the top of their to-do list? Playing what’s become an annual game of chicken over whether to fund the federal government — including extending funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which ensures that tens of millions of households can stay online.

Federal Funding for Affordable Broadband Plans Critical to Achieving Universal Access

Universal access to high-speed internet is achievable. But even with the federal government deploying billions of dollars to expand networks and connectivity, this goal can only be reached if all Americans can afford broadband subscriptions. Federal lawmakers initially allocated $14.2 billion in funding to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which has enrolled more than 20 million households, becoming a vital tool in the nationwide effort to connect every household and business.