Millions of Households Are at Risk of Losing Internet Access

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Starting after Labor Day 2023, classes will be back in session for members of Congress as they return to Washington (DC) from their August 2023 recess. At the top of their to-do list? Playing what’s become an annual game of chicken over whether to fund the federal government — including extending funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which ensures that tens of millions of households can stay online. The ACP is also on track to run out of money by spring 2024. Access to high-speed internet isn’t a luxury; it’s a human right. Without it, you can’t access basic things like education, health care, jobs, government services, and info about what’s going on in your community. Additionally, affordable internet access is even more crucial in light of the climate crisis. Being able to connect to critical services before and during an emergency can save lives — and a stable connection can help people pick up the pieces afterward. Without further funding for the ACP, untold numbers of low-income families won’t benefit from the newly built broadband networks in their communities.


Millions of Households Are at Risk of Losing Internet Access