David Hughes

CBO Scores the Broadband DATA Act

The Broadband DATA Act (HR 4229) would require the Federal Communications Commission to collect detailed data twice a year on the availability of broadband Internet access services. That data would be reported by providers of those broadband services. Under the act, the FCC would establish and maintain a comprehensive database and create detailed and publicly available broadband coverage maps. The act also would require the FCC to develop processes for any person or entity to submit broadband availability data to verify or challenge the FCC’s database or maps.

CBO Scores the Developing Innovation and Growing the Internet of Things Act

The Developing Innovation and Growing the Internet of Things Act (S. 1611) would require the Department of Commerce (DOC) to convene a federal interagency working group to report to the Congress on the Internet of things (IoT). The group would be required to identify laws and regulations that inhibit or promote IoT deployment, examine current and future federal IoT use, and recommend federal IoT security measures. Also under S.

CBO Scores Broadband DATA Act

The Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act (S. 1822) would require the Federal Communications Commission to collect detailed data twice a year on the availability of broadband internet access services. That data would be reported by providers of those broadband services. Under the bill, the FCC would establish and maintain a comprehensive database and create detailed and publicly available broadband coverage maps.

CBO Scores Broadband Interagency Coordination Act

The Broadband Interagency Coordination Act of 2019 (S.1294) would require the Federal Communication Commission, Department of Agriculture, and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to enter into an interagency agreement to coordinate how federal funding for the deployment of broadband internet technologies is distributed. The agreement would cover data and information sharing among those agencies.

CBO Scores Measuring the Economic Impact of Broadband Act

The Measuring the Economic Impact of Broadband Act (S.1289) would require the Department of Commerce to submit a report to the Congress assessing the effects of broadband deployment on the U.S. economy. The first report would be due two years after the bill’s enactment, with subsequent reports due every two years. Such reports would consider the effect of e-commerce, peer-to-peer commerce (such as Etsy), and the production of digital media on the U.S. economy.

CBO Scores the Save the Internet Act

The Save the Internet Act (HR 1644) would require the Federal Communications Commission to return to the regulatory framework for Internet service providers (ISPs) that was in effect as of Jan 19, 2017. Restoring the 2015 regulatory framework could increase oversight and enforcement actions by the FCC and could reduce enforcement and oversight by the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice. Spending on such increased FCC activities would be subject to the availability of appropriated funds.