Jonathan Walter
Where Does the Affordable Connectivity Program Go from Here to Help Millions More Households Get Online?
Although there is already a ton of fantastic work being done on the ground, many of the groups doing that work would benefit from more funding that could be used to conduct direct Affordable Connectivity Program outreach, train digital navigators, and more. The Federal Communications Commission is currently engaged in a rulemaking to develop rules for how the grant program would work.
Common Cause Submits Comments To NTIA Making Recommendations on Broadband Infrastructure Programs
Common Cause submitted comments in response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)’s Request for Comment on the implementation of broadband programs found within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Common Cause's recommendations include:
Broadband Gatekeepers
Major broadband providers, both telecom and cable, have chosen not to build their networks to areas they deem less profitable and not to upgrade many existing customers left behind by outdated technology. These choices entrench the far too wide digital divide and mean Americans pay some of the highest prices for service. At the same time, the largest ISPs have used their outsized influence in Congress to block any legislation that would undermine their stranglehold over the broadband marketplace.