
FWA Wins 2Q 2024

Broadband subscriber additions from the first two quarters of 2024 give us an insight into some industry trends. Cable companies are starting to lose an increasing number of customers. Fixed wireless access (FWA) cellular carriers collectively added 933,000 customers in Q2. Telephone companies collectively showed a small gain for Q2, although all of the telephone companies reported significant fiber sales. 

What did 5G get right, what did it get wrong?

At roughly the mid-point of the 5G cycle (assuming 10-year generational upgrade cycles), there’s seemingly widespread criticism that it hasn’t delivered on the promises it made. That’s largely related to the massive capital spend operators undertook to acquire new spectrum and put it into service, but without attendant major new lines of revenue based off of services only 5G could deliver. The fact of the matter is, though, that 5G is a technology that lacks the agency to do, or not do, anything.

The Road to Digital Discrimination Is Paved With Good Intentions: Why Universal Service Depends Upon a Disparate Impact Standard

Rural areas, low-income communities and individuals, and racial and ethnic minorities still often have less access to quality, affordable broadband.

Why Does One Online Education Supporter Oppose Better Data on Online Education?

In July, the U.S. Department of Education proposed regulations that would require colleges to provide more detailed data on students in online education programs.

Hawai'i is Working to Connect All to Affordable Broadband

Connect Kākou is the Hawaiʻi statewide broadband initiative led by the University of Hawai'i' Broadband Office (UHBO) to ensure people from all walks of life have reliable and affordable access to high-speed Internet. The name “Connect Kākou” was chosen to reflect Hawaii’s goal of using high-speed internet to connect everyone across the state. The Hawaiian word “kākou” is used to convey the idea of “all of us,” and underscores the sense of collective responsibility and unity that this initiative represents.

Context, Courts and Commissions: The 6th Circuit Got Net Neutrality Wrong

In issuing a temporary stay of the Federal Communications Commission 2024 Net Neutrality order, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has gone beyond recent teachings of the Supreme Court to erroneously block exercise of regulatory authority that Congress clearly intended the FCC to exercise. From the Federal Reserve Board to the Federal Trade Commission and beyond, expert agencies have been created as a means for Congress to ensure that durable legislative principles keep up with the times. The current Supreme Court seems not to share that view.

Universal Access to Affordable, Reliable Broadband in Kentucky

Kentucky is working to remove barriers to digital adoption by creating opportunities through technology, affordable high-speed internet, and digital skills development for all people and businesses. The goal is to bridge the digital divide and ensure that each citizen can participate in the modern economy and society. Kentucky's affordability strategy leaned heavily on promoting ACP participation by eligible residents and internet service providers (ISPs). Of course, the ACP expired earlier this year due to a lack of funding.

Paul Bunyan Communications Payout To Members Is Not A Tall Tale

The reasons why municipalities and cooperatives build community-owned broadband networks are numerous, often fueled by years of frustration with the spotty, expensive service offered by the big monopoly incumbents.

When Will We See BEAD Construction?

There are a lot of folks who think there will be substantial Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) spending in 2025. I don’t want to burst bubbles, but I just can’t see that happening. Like every other part of the BEAD process, there are delays coming that are going to drive folks crazy.

Stronger Together: Creating Meaningful Change through Digital Equity Projects

On July 24th the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) launched the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity. As applicants work on their applications, it is critical to keep in mind the importance of sustainable project planning and meaningful change. Meaningful change can create a lasting, measurable impact that resonates for years to come. Successful Digital Equity Projects should be designed with both the present and future in mind, ensuring that the benefits extend well beyond the initial grant period.