Public Notice

Notice of a new system of records for Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

The Federal Communications Commission is establishing a new system of records, FCC/WCB–3, Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, subject to the Privacy Act of 1974. This system of records is maintained for use in determining whether a member of a household meets the eligibility criteria to qualify for a discount on the cost of internet service and a subsidy for low-cost devices such as computers and tablets; ensuring benefits are not duplicated; dispute resolution regarding eligibility for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program; customer surveys; audit; verification of a provider’s represent

FCC Extends COVID Lifeline Program Waivers to June 30, 2021

In light of the ongoing pandemic, the Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau finds good cause to extend, on its own motion, its prior waivers of the Lifeline program rules governing documentation requirements for subscribers residing in rural areas on Tribal lands, recertification, reverification, general de-enrollment, and income documentation through June 30, 2021.1 However, the bureau declines to further extend the existing waiver of the FCC's Lifeline usage requirement beyond May 1, 2021. At the expiration of the current waiver period on February 28, 2021, the r

FCC Readies for the Next Round of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program

In this Report and Order, we take the next step toward committing funding through the COVID-19 Telehealth Program (Program) by finding it is in the public interest to expand the administrative responsibilities of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to include the Program. In March 2020, Congress allocated $200 million to the Federal Communications Commission to establish a program to help health care providers offer telehealth and connected care services and connected devices to patients at their homes or mobile locations in response to the COVID19 pandemic. The FCC establis

FCC Seeks Comment on Using E-Rate Funding to Support Remote Learning

The Federal Communications Commission seeks comment on several petitions requesting permission to use E-Rate program funds to support remote learning during the pandemic. The E-Rate program provides universal service fund discounts on broadband services for eligible schools and libraries. Multiple petitions filed with the agency have sought emergency relief so schools and libraries that were shut down because of the pandemic can assist students who need to learn remotely, but who lack internet access at home.

FCC Announces Roundtable on Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced that she will convene a virtual roundtable discussion on Feb 12, 2021 to gather public input on how to structure the new Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. The roundtable will allow interested parties an opportunity to share ideas on the important public policy and program administration decisions that will shape the FCC’s approach to establishing the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. The FCC is currently gathering comments on the program in response to a request for comment issued Jan 4, 2021.

Executive Order on Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers

To ensure that students receive a high-quality education during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and to support the safe reopening and continued operation of schools, child care providers, Head Start programs, and institutions of higher education, President Joe Biden encouraged the Federal Communications Commission to increase connectivity options for students lacking reliable home broadband, so that they can continue to learn if their schools are operating remotely.

National Strategy to Secure 5G Implementation Plan

In accordance with the Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020, the Executive Branch has developed a comprehensive implementation plan associated with the National Strategy to Secure 5G.

FCC Denies Petition to Stay Ligado Order and Authorization

The Federal Communications Commission denied a request to stay its unanimous decision to authorize Ligado Networks to deploy a low-power terrestrial nationwide network using portions of its licensed spectrum.

FCC Releases 2021 Broadband Deployment Report

The Federal Communications Commission released its annual Broadband Deployment Report. The gap between urban and rural Americans with access to 25/3 Mbps fixed broadband service fell from 30 percentage points at the end of 2016 to 16 points at the end of 2019. Additionally, more than three-quarters of those Americans in areas newly served in 2019 (nearly 3.7 million) live in rural areas, bringing the number of rural Americans in areas served by at least 25/3 Mbps broadband service to nearly 83%, up 15 points since 2016.

FCC Establishes the Digital Opportunity Data Collection and Modernizes the FCC Form 477 Data Program

The Federal Communications Commission adopted additional rules for the Digital Opportunity Data Collection to help ensure that the FCC collects precise and accurate broadband deployment data in its mission to close the digital divide. The new rules specify which fixed and mobile broadband Internet access service providers are required to report availability and/or coverage data, and adopt requirements for reporting speed and latency for fixed technologies.