Public Notice

2018 Broadband Deployment Report

In the wake of the 2015 Title II Order,  the deployment of advanced telecommunications capability slowed dramatically. From 2012 to 2014, the two years preceding the Title II Order, fixed terrestrial broadband Internet access was deployed to 29.9 million people who never had it before, including 1 million people on Tribal lands. In the following two years, new deployments dropped 55 percent, reaching only 13.5 million people, including only 330,000 people on Tribal lands.

FCC Extends Lifeline Comment Period

The Federal Communications Commission has extended the deadline for public comments in its Lifeline proceeding. Comments now due January 17, 2018; reply comments due February 21, 2018.

FCC Requests Comments on Net Neutrality Transparency Information Collection

The Federal Communications Commission invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the information collection necessary for the Restoring Internet Freedom Report and Order's rule requiring internet service providers disclosure of certain network management processes, performance characteristics, and other attributes of broadband internet access service. The order eliminates the additional collection imposed by the FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order and adds a few discrete elements to the information collection requirements.

FCC Announces Vacancies in Membership of Intergovernmental Advisory Committee and Seeks Nominees

The Federal Communications Commission has expanded the membership of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC) from 15 members to 30 members. By this Public Notice, the FCC seeks applications for membership to the IAC from local, state and Tribal government officials to fill the 15 new positions and also announces three additional vacancies in the existing IAC membership. 

FCC/FTC Sign MOU to Coordinate Online Consumer Protection Efforts

This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into by the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission for the purpose of facilitating their joint and common goals, obligations, and responsibilities to protect consumers and the public interest. The Agencies recognize and acknowledge that each agency has legal, technical, and investigative expertise and experience that is valuable for rendering advice and guidance to the other relating to the acts or practices of Internet service providers. 

What FCC Staff Added to the Net Neutrality Record

In crafting rules for the Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding, the Federal Communications Commission consulted the following sources, all of which are cited in the publicly released draft order:

FCC Seeks Comment on Technological Advisory Council (TAC) Spectrum Policy Recommendations

The Office of Engineering and Technology seeks comment on spectrum policy recommendations that the FCC's Technological Advisory Council (TAC) has made to the FCC through its Chairman and has elaborated on in more detail through several white papers.

FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Postponement of Initial Launch Date of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier), originally scheduled for six initial states in December 2017, will be postponed until early 2018. Recently, as the development of the National Verifier has progressed, USAC advised the Bureau that the National Verifier’s systems have unresolved potential vulnerabilities that have not yet been completed under the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA). If the National Verifier is launched before its underlying sy

FCC Action to Transform Lifeline Program for Low-Income Americans

The Federal Communications Commission takes a fresh look at how the Universal Service Fund’s Lifeline program can effectively and efficiently help close the digital divide for low-income consumers. Our efforts are three-pronged. First, we seek to direct Lifeline funds to the areas in which they are most needed, to encourage investment in networks that enable 21st Century connectivity for all Americans.

FCC approves CBS-Entercom Merger with conditions

The Federal Communications Commission's grant the Merger and Divestiture Applications subject to certain conditions, and also grant the associated waivers on a temporary basis. The proposed transaction encompasses all of Entercom’s 127 and CBS’s 117 radio stations. Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger: (1) CBS Radio (CBSR) will be separated from CBS pursuant to a Master Separations Agreement; and (2) a wholly owned subsidiary of Entercom (Constitution Merger Sub Corp.) will merge with CBSR, with the merged CBSR surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of Entercom.