
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Speech to the Baltic Sea Region 5G Forum

This forum has attracted participants from across Europe and around the world because we all understand 5G’s transformative potential to unlock innovation and economic growth. I’ve been asked to talk to you about what we are doing in the United States to seize the opportunities of 5G. So let’s get to it.

Chairman Ajit Pai at the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Global Summit

When we talk about spectrum policy innovation in 2020, dynamic spectrum sharing rests at the cutting edge. It’s become a powerful tool for squeezing the most value out of high-quality spectrum and meeting the growing demand for wireless services. Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS)  may have been the Federal Communications Commission’s first major foray into dynamic sharing, but it was hardly our last.

Celebrate Digital Equity Advocates

2020 has been so dark. In the throes of a pandemic, we know so much has been lost – is still being lost. But for just a few moments, let us celebrate the achievements of digital equity advocates. Because 2020 only proves how essential our work is. Millions in the US have lost jobs this year. But digital equity advocates have helped people find new employment because of their connections to and expertise with the internet.

Remarks Of Chairman Ajit Pai To The CTIA 5G Summit

Back in 2017, 5G was a big focus of my remarks. But back then, 5G was largely hypothetical and aspirational. This year, I’m speaking to you just a few days after the release of the first 5G iPhone. Over the past three-plus years, 5G has gotten real—very real. How did we get from there to here? Obviously, many of you in the audience led the way. But I’d like to think the Federal Communications Commission put a tailwind at your back. I’d like to walk through the actions we’ve taken at the FCC to accelerate the arrival of the 5G revolution.

Chairman Pai Remarks to Calix Connexions Conference

I wanted to use my remarks to talk more broadly about the Federal Communications Commission’s efforts to connect all Americans. The FCC’s first and foremost mission is to help ensure that every American can access advanced communications. On my first full day in this job in Jan 2017, I convened a meeting of the FCC’s staff. I told them that our number one priority would be closing the digital divide and bringing the benefits of the Internet age to all Americans. And for good reason.

Commissioner O'Rielly's Remarks Before CTIA 5G Summit

The giant elephant in this virtual room: the completely indefensible proposal to create a government-sponsored wholesale wireless network. For the last few years this “idea” has been floated, rejected, floated, rejected, and just recently floated again. Now, it seems to be under consideration once again by some at the highest levels of our government.

Remarks Of FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks CTIA 5G Summit

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp relief a host of problems that at their core are about fairness—issues of racial justice, economic security, and the digital divide, among others. I am an optimist, and believe that technology, and the wireless communications sector in particular, has an important role to play here.

Remarks of Commissioner Starks at ABA/FCBA Privacy and Data Security Symposium

We won’t fully bring the benefits to all Americans if we’re advocating for bringing a connection into their homes that is insecure or unsafe. That means we cannot allow data security and privacy to become luxury goods available only to the elite. On the security side, I’ve been vocal about the need to secure our communications networks.

Remarks Of Chairman Ajit Pai At The FCC Advisory Committee On Diversity And Digital Empowerment Tech Supplier Diversity Opportunity Showcase

Today’s showcase is bringing together venture capital groups, community development financial organizations, technology companies, and civil rights organizations to facilitate access to economic opportunities in the ICT sector for small and diverse businesses. We will also have a workshop to assess the impact of COVID-19 on small, diverse businesses and to evaluate CARES Act implementation and additional opportunities for financial support and relief.

Remarks Of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai at CyFy 2020

We are gathering virtually at a pivotal moment in the evolution of communications technology. Across America and around the world, private companies are rolling out the next generation of wireless technology—commonly known as 5G. These networks will bring exponential increases in speed, responsiveness, and capacity—creating an incredible wireless experience for both consumers and enterprises. As we have pursued our own actions to address security threats, the United States has been working closely with our international partners.