
Remarks Of Chairman Pai's Public Safety Legal Advisor, Zenji Nakazawa, At US-Caribbean Resilience Partnership Event

I am honored to be here on behalf of the Federal Communications Commission. Chairman Pai extends his warmest appreciation to our regulatory friends in the Caribbean. And he is excited to support the launch of the US-Caribbean Resilience Partnership. In these brief remarks, I’d like to talk about three topics: (1) the FCC’s role in disaster preparedness; (2) a few key lessons learned from the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season; and (3) what the FCC can do to support a working group for the U.S.-Caribbean Resilience Partnership

Commissioner O'Rielly Remarks at NTCA Legislative & Policy Conference

It seems only appropriate to take this opportunity to discuss my involvement in just some of the substantive Federal Communications Commission issues that NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association and its members have cared deeply about:

FCC Chairman Pai Remarks at 5G White House Event

Today, 5G is a success story—an American success story. How are we getting the job done? As the lead agency on 5G, the Federal Communications Commission is pursuing a three-part strategy called the 5G FAST Plan. First, we’re freeing up spectrum, the invisible airwaves that carry wireless traffic. Second, we’re making it easier to install wireless infrastructure. Third, we’ve taken action to encourage the deployment of optical fiber.

Commissioner O'Rielly Remarks Before the Disability Advisory Committee

The costs to American consumers for the collection of disability-related programs is growing at a fairly aggressive and unsustainable rate. Accordingly, the Disability Advisory Committee can play an important role, and I believe has an obligation, to help the Commission contain costs. I strongly believe that we need to move away from specialized services with proprietary equipment and towards increased use and adoption of modern communications technology to serve the most vulnerable populations. This means more use of email, text, video chat, real time text, and the like.

Chairman Pai Remarks at the National Association of Broadcasters Show

You find yourselves in a war for attention with well-funded media giants, Internet companies, and telecom companies. In such a crowded and rapidly evolving marketplace, how can broadcasters succeed?  The trust that broadcasters have built over the years is real, and Americans’ personal connections with you are your greatest competitive edge....I believe a strong broadcasting industry serves the interest of the American people. Which raises an obvious question: what’s the FCC doing to help make this happen? 

FCC Commissioner O'Rielly at Wireless Connect 2019

The one principle that anyone engaged in wireless issues knows is that we cannot take time for granted.

Chairman Pai Testimony Before House Appropriations Subcommittee

Here are the Federal Communications Commission's priorities for the next year:

Testimony of Commissioner Rosenworcel Before House Appropriations Subcommittee

Communications technologies power one-sixth of the nation’s economy—and every American needs access to these technologies to have a fair shot at 21st century success. That is why the budget request from the Administration before you today is so striking. It asks for less than the $339,000,000 the agency is set to spend in the current fiscal year and is almost $4,000,000 less than the budget level authorized by Congress.

Presentation of the Fourth Annual Charles Benton Digital Equity Champion Awards

The city of Charlotte’s namesake, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, was Queen of Great Britain at the time of the US Revolution. Therefore, it seems appropriate to revisit the Queen’s City and celebrate the people and the organizations who are ensuring this digital revolution benefits everyone.

FTC Debunks the FCC's Favorite Excuse for Killing Net Neutrality

The Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission are very different in our mandates and our legal authority. The FTC is, principally, a law enforcement agency. It is not a sector regulator like the FCC. There are key differences between conduct prohibited by the FCC’s Open Internet Order, and conduct that the FTC can reach now with our antitrust and consumer protection jurisdiction. Antitrust law is sufficiently flexible and dynamic to cover a wide range of activities.