Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) Education Day: Real-Time Text

Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau and the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau

Federal Communications Commission

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - 5:30pm to 9:30pm

The PSAP RTT Education Day will provide information to PSAPs and other emergency communications systems about RTT features and benefits for emergency response personnel and consumers (including consumers with disabilities); best practices for processing RTT requests from service providers; and ways to implement the RTT service feature. Among other things, panels will address regulatory policy, PSAPs’ experiences with RTT testing, and RTT infrastructure issues. There will be a live demonstration of the use of RTT and opportunities for interaction by and with the audience.

The event will be open to the public, but admittance will be limited to available seating.


Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
445 12th Street SW
Washington , DC 20554