2008 Political Ads Worth $2.5+ Billion

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TNS Media Intelligence estimates that between $2.5 billion and $2.7 billion were spent on political ads this election season. Television's share was $2.2 billion. The total figure is slightly short of the projected $3 billion take, in part because of a shortened general election season, but up from $1.7 billion back in 2004. In what will no doubt be welcome news for beleaguered TV executives, Evan Tracey, president of TMS' Campaign Media Analysis Group said, "2009 is going to be another record setting cycle. There's no reason to think there's going to be any decline." Issue advocacy also predicted to be big business in 2009 as groups do table setting for issue fights on healthcare down the line. "The Obama campaign built an organization that extends outside of Washington. Anybody serious about engaging on legislation will have to do it outside of Washington," said Tracey. "You won't have the back room deals with this administration so you'll have to rely on people putting pressure on elected officials and advertising is the strongest vehicle for that." There will be 36 gubernatorial races in 2010.

2008 Political Ads Worth $2.5+ Billion