3 Ways High-Speed Internet Enriches Lives of Rural Americans

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High-speed internet is something we count on to function day to day. The service elevates the lives and livelihoods of Americans whose broadband needs have been previously unmet. The 2023 Cox Expansion Impact Survey found 86 percent of consumer respondents with recently available high-speed internet said their lives have improved. This report outlines three ways that high-speed internet enriches the lives of rural Americans:

  1. Younger people are more likely to remain in their communities when there’s a highspeed internet connection at home.
  2. High-speed internet drives local economic prosperity.
  3. A high-speed internet connection at home helps bridge the income and education gap.

The internet is a tie that binds people and communities together: four out of five respondents say they are better connected to friends and family because of their new highspeed internet connection. High-speed internet access is crucial for rural residents’ quality of life.

3 Ways High-Speed Internet Enriches Lives of Rural Americans