5G coalition presses FCC to allow FWA in lower 12 GHz band

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The 5G for 12 GHz Coalition is urging the Federal Communications Commission to take action by December 31, 2023, to expand the 12.2 GHz band for terrestrial fixed use, giving entities like Dish Network the ability to use the band for fixed wireless access (FWA). The 12.2 GHz band is currently allocated to Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), non-geostationary orbit fixed satellite service (NGSO FSS) and fixed service. The coalition says updating the rules to allow higher powered, two-way terrestrial fixed wireless service will enable the spectrum to be put to its highest use. Dish and RS Access, which are members of the 5G for 12 GHz Coalition along with about 33 other entities, are the biggest Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service (MVDDS) licensees in the US DBS and NGSO FSS customers that use a dish to receive service are unlikely to experience harmful interference from MVDDS terrestrial fixed operations, according to the coalition’s August 9, 2023 comments filed with the FCC. Several equipment manufacturers and providers already have indicated that they’re prepared to release or update two-way radio equipment that can be quickly deployed for fixed wireless use in the 12.2 GHz band, the coalition noted.

5G coalition presses FCC to allow FWA in lower 12 GHz band