5G Deployment: FCC Needs Comprehensive Strategic Planning to Guide Its Efforts

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As the latest generation of mobile communications, 5G networks are expected to provide faster connections to support consumer, industry, and public sector services. While private sector carriers deploy 5G networks, the Federal Communications Commission has a role in managing deployment challenges, such as how to allocate low-, mid-, and high-band spectrum for 5G use. The US Government Accountability Office was asked to review 5G deployment challenges. This report examines challenges and the federal government's efforts related to 5G deployment with regard to managing spectrum for 5G and closing the digital divide, among other things. GAO, with assistance from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, convened a meeting of 17 experts from academia, industry, and consumer groups; reviewed relevant statutes, literature, and FCC documentation; and interviewed FCC and other relevant federal officials, along with stakeholders that include various localities, wireless carriers, and industry associations.

GAO recommends the FCC should develop specific and measurable performance goals with related strategies and measures to: (1) manage spectrum demands for 5G and (2) determine the effects 5G deployment and any mitigating actions may have on the digital divide. FCC indicated that setting spectrum goals could unnecessarily limit its options but did not agree or disagree with GAO's recommendations. GAO continues to believe that well-considered strategic planning would benefit FCC's efforts.

5G Deployment: FCC Needs Comprehensive Strategic Planning to Guide Its Efforts