92 Percent of U.S. Households Get an Internet Service at Home

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Ninety-two percent of US households get an Internet service at home, compared to 83 percent in 2018 and 76 percent in 2008. Broadband accounts for 98 percent of households with an Internet service at home, and 90 percent of all households get a broadband Internet service- an increase from 81 percent in 2018 and 57 percent in 2008. Other related findings include:

  • 70 percent of broadband subscribers agree that their Internet service meets the needs of their household, while 5 percent disagree
  • 64 percent of broadband subscribers rate the quality of the speed of their Internet connection 8-10 (with 10 being excellent), higher than any year in the past decade, including 53 percent in 2018 and 58 percent in 2013. Just 3 percent rate speed 1-3 (with 1 being poor) 
  • 42 percent of broadband subscribers do not know the download speed of their service – compared to 59 percent in 2018
  • 22 percent of broadband subscribers report that their provider is the only one available in their area – compared to 27 percent in 2021
  • 87 percent of households use at least one laptop or desktop computer, and 96 percent of this group get an Internet service at home
  • Those that do not use a laptop or desktop computer at home account for 64 percent of all that do not get an Internet service at home

92% of US Households Get an Internet Service at Home