About 85% of Americans Consider Internet a Utility and More New Stats: Report
A cache of statistics about Americans’ usage of the internet and their thoughts about its value are highlighted in a new report titled “Internet Statistics in 2025” from HighSpeedInternet.com. The statistics cover internet access, speed, cost, reliability, connections, and more, based on data gathered in 2024. Nearly ubiquitous, 333.1 million people (97 percent of Americans) said they use the internet. This number has increased by 51 million in roughly 10 years. Almost 25 percent of internet users said the longest they can go without needing internet access is four hours. Another nearly 20 percent of people said 24 hours is their maximum amount of time without needing the internet. Perhaps because internet is a critical infrastructure sector—like electricity, gas, and water—a large majority of Americans (85 percent) consider the internet a utility like those others
About 85% of Americans Consider Internet a Utility and More New Stats: Report