Adding US territories to the BEAD allocation formula

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I added US territories as recipients of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) allocation dollars based on their number of unserved locations in addition to the minimum fixed allocation (see). The upshot is Puerto Rico has 212,70 unserved locations, 18% of its total, and an estimated $874 million allocation, which is significant. The other territories don’t change the numbers materially because we don’t see them as having unserved locations. This could be due to incomplete data. Because the Federal Communications Commission didn’t release a file of all locations, we can only infer the number of unserved locations by state. While I don’t think this is an issue for the official US states, it may be for territories. Since Puerto Rico is much bigger than the other territories, and its data appears to be complete, I believe this allocation formula now captures the bulk of the effect of adding territories.

Adding US territories to the BEAD allocation formula