Aereo Supports Broadcasters Petition to Supreme Court
Aereo told the Supreme Court that the Court should agree to hear broadcasters appeal of a lower court decision not to block its service, though it disagrees with how the broadcasters framed the appeal.
In its response to the petition by the major commercial networks and noncommercial broadcasters, Aereo says the appeals court got it right and that Aereo does not transmit a public performance, but will let the High Court try to put a stop to further broadcasters litigation. "The essential bargain that petitioners made to obtain, for free, public spectrum worth billions of dollars was that, once they have broadcast their programming, consumers have a right to receive and to view that programming using an antenna and to copy that programming for their personal use," Aereo told the court. “We have decided to not oppose the broadcasters’ petition for certiorari before the United States Supreme Court. While the law is clear and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and two different federal courts have ruled in favor of Aereo, broadcasters appear determined to keep litigating the same issues against Aereo in every jurisdiction that we enter," said Chet Kanojia, CEO, Aereo. "We want this resolved on the merits rather than through a wasteful war of attrition."
Aereo Supports Broadcasters Petition to Supreme Court Aereo asks Supreme Court to take copyright case, stop broadcasters “war of attrition” (GigaOm) Aereo wants to fight broadcasters before the Supreme Court (The Verge) Aereo Won’t Fight Move to Supreme Court (The Wrap) Aereo Cert Petition Response Brief Final (Aero)