AT&T Outlines Its Keys to Regional Spectrum Repack

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AT&T has weighed in with the Federal Communications Commission with some details on its proposal for a regional approach to the post-spectrum auction repack of TV stations into smaller spectrum quarters to make way for winning bidders in the forward part of the incentive auction, currently underway.

In conversations with staffers and a filing, AT&T, which is among the eligible bidders for spectrum in the forward part of the auction, said the plan was based on the assumption of the FCC's highest clearing target of 126 MHz, though that could be adjusted if the FCC has to scale back to a 114 MHz target if it fails to raise enough money to pay for 126 MHz. AT&T says the key to the plan is reflecting lessons learned in past relocation efforts, including previous auctions and the DTV transition.

AT&T Outlines Its Keys to Regional Spectrum Repack