Big News On The 'Fiber' Front

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During a meeting Wednesday, September 25, with the Cape Cod Technical Council’s infrastructure committee, a representative from Verizon stated that the company planned to build a fiber-optic internet network in seven towns on the Cape, including Falmouth (MA). This is not just fiber to neighborhood “nodes,” as Comcast currently offers, but fiber right to homes. This is called fiber-to-the-premises, or FTTP. It is exactly the kind of network the town’s Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board has been working toward, said David Isenberg, a member of the light plant board, who Zoomed into the tech council’s virtual meeting. After the meeting, Mr. Isenberg said this is huge news for Falmouth. It also substantially weakens the case for Falmouth to build its own fiber network. What’s the point? Verizon is offering the town pretty much what it was after all along: a fast, reliable, fully fiber network and a more competitive marketplace.

Big News On The 'Fiber' Front - Editorial