Boehner Voices Concern Over Eshoo's Fairness Doctrine Comments

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On Monday, Rep Anne Eshoo (D-CA) told the Palo Alto Daily Post, "I'll work on bringing [the Fairness Doctrine] back. I still believe in it," and adding that she would want it to apply to cable and satellite rather than just radio and TV. On Tuesday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) responded, saying "The so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' would restrict free speech on the public airwaves, stifling dissent at a time when an open national dialogue about our country's future is essential. The American people do not believe the federal government should be in the business of dictating or restricting the content of political speech. I'm troubled by Rep. Eshoo's comments, and my hope is that President-elect Obama will speak out against efforts by members of his party to use their majority power to limit free speech and dissent." President-elect Obama has on more than one occasion let it be known that he opposed to the return of the doctrine, which required broadcasters to air both sides of controversial issues.

Boehner Voices Concern Over Eshoo's Fairness Doctrine Comments