Boxed In 2017-18: Women On Screen and Behind the Scenes in Television
In 2017-18, the percentages of female characters on screen and women working in key roles behind the scenes declined on television. Overall, females comprised 40% of all speaking characters on television programs appearing on the broadcast networks, cable, and streaming services, a decline of 2 percentage points from 42% in 2016-17. Behind the scenes, women accounted for 27% of all creators, directors, writers, executive producers, producers, editors, and directors of photography working on programs delivered via the various platforms last year. This represents a decline of 1 percentage point from 2016-17. Overall, programs employed behind-the-scenes women in relatively small numbers. For example 69% of programs employed 5 or fewer women in the roles considered. In contrast, only 13% of programs employed 5 or fewer men.
Boxed In 2017-18: Women On Screen and Behind the Scenes in Television TV’s Gender Gap Widened Last Season Both on Screen and Off, New Study Finds (The Wrap)