Broadband Internet in the US 2020

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86% of US households get an Internet service at home, compared to 84% in 2015 and 82% in 2010.  Broadband accounts for 97% of households with an Internet service at home, and 83% of all households get a broadband Internet service – an increase from 81% in 2015 and 74% in 2010. Among adults with an Internet service at home, the mean self-reported time spent online at home is 5.3 hours per day – up from 3.7 hours per day in 2019, 2.9 hours per day in 2015, and 2.4 hours per day in 2010. Other related findings include:

  • 87% of households use at least one laptop or desktop computer – 94% of this group get an Internet service at home
  • 36% of those that do not use a laptop or desktop computer at home get an Internet service at home
  • 78% of all households get Internet service both at home and on a mobile phone, an increase from 64% in 2015
  • 51% not online at home access the Internet on a smartphone (and an additional 1% access the Internet on another type of mobile phone), representing 7% overall
  • 68% of adults with an Internet service at home visit a social networking site daily – compared to 63% in 2019, 57% in 2015, and 38% in 2010
  • 59% of adults with an Internet service at home watch video online daily – compared to 50% in 2019, 35% in 2015, and 14% in 2010

86% of US Households Get an Internet Service at Home