CBS Plans To Keep Spectrum
CBS has taken a slightly less adversarial tone toward the Federal Communications Commission's spectrum reclamation plan than the National Association of Broadcasters, group owners representing hundreds of TV stations, and state broadcast associations. And since it says it is not going to be selling out its spectrum, or planning to share it with other stations, CBS put an emphasis on the FCC making sure those left behind are still in control of their own destiny.
In comments on the FCC's proposals on channel-sharing, spectrum "repacking" and improving VHF transmissions, CBS said it "appreciated" FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski adopting the proceeding and "for placing spectrum issues front and center on the national agenda by producing the National Broadband Plan." But it did make clear that it was planning to continue in the broadcasting business at least the same level of service and would not be giving up any spectrum for auction. CBS echoed other broadcasters' demands that the reclamation/spectrum auction proposal be "truly voluntary." CBS said that any "repacking" from the UHF to VHF band must be voluntary -- FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has pledged that would be the case -- but did not oppose general repacking -- moving stations to new spectrum to free up larger contiguous blocks for wireless broadband -- so long as the FCC "provide[s] each broadcaster with a replicated coverage area, in terms of both geography and population; any costs of moving are paid for by the auction proceeds; and the FCC engages in an educational campaign along with broadcasters to ensure that American viewers know where to find their relocated TV station."
CBS Plans To Keep Spectrum