Chairman Carr Announces Sweeping New Investigation into CCP-Aligned Entities

Recently, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Brendan Carr announced that he had established a new Council on National Security within the FCC. Chairman Carr is now disclosing the first major initiative that this Council has been leading. Specifically, the FCC has launched a sweeping investigation into the ongoing U.S. operations of CCP-aligned businesses whose equipment or services the FCC previously placed on its Covered List based on determinations that those equipment or services pose unacceptable risks to America’s national security. Despite being placed on the FCC’s Covered List, some or all of those entities may still be operating in the U.S.—either because they do not believe the FCC’s Covered List prohibits particular types of operations or otherwise. To assess their current levels of operation, the FCC sent Letters of Inquiry and at least one subpoena to the entities named on the Covered List. The FCC is now gathering responsive information and will determine any actions that may be necessary to further safeguard America’s networks and promote our national security.

Carr Announces Sweeping New Investigation into CCP-Aligned Entities