Chairman Pai Provides Update On Tropical Storm Harvey
To date, the storm has most severely impacted communications networks near where Harvey made landfall. In Aransas, Calhoun, and Refugio Counties, for instance, most wireless cell sites are currently out of operation. We are also keeping close tabs on the effect that widespread flooding could have on communications networks in Harris County and surrounding areas in the hours and days to come.
Today [Aug 28], I have talked with Federal Communications Commission public safety and enforcement staff, including field agents who have been traveling throughout the storm zone, to thank them for their efforts. I am also speaking with representatives from network operators in the affected areas to get first-hand assessments of the situation and make clear that the FCC stands ready to help however we can. The worst of tragedies brings out the best in people. In Harvey’s wake, first responders and everyday citizens have heroically stepped up to the plate to help their fellow Americans. Broadcasters and other news outlets have also played a critical role in conveying emergency information, and in some cases, even coordinating live, on-air rescues. Everyone who is pitching in deserves our gratitude and support. We’re all in this together.
Chairman Pai Provides Update On Tropical Storm Harvey FCC's Pai: News Outlets Play Critical Role in Harvey Aid (B&C)