Closing the Digital Divide: Teens believe internet access is critical for equality

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A new report found that teens believe unreliable broadband access contributes to economic and social inequities, perceptions of reduced career prospects, significantly lower digital literacy and less confidence in their future success. Teens reveal the drastic impact that slow internet speeds have on their opportunities and urge the government to pick up the pace toward universal broadband access. Key findings include:

  • 73% of teens agree that “Digital skills will be the key to getting the best jobs for my generation.”​
  • 1 in 10 American teens do not have access to broadband internet (1 in 6 in rural communities).​
  • Broadband access dropped 7% at both homes and schools since 2019.​
  • Only 37% of teens with an unreliable connection feel that high-quality, K-12 education is within reach for their community.​
  • Only 38% of teens with unreliable connections feel their community has access to a wide variety of job opportunities.​
  • 89% of teens say their need for high-speed Internet access at home has increased or stayed the same in the last 18 months.​
  • Ultimately, teens see broadband availability as a barrier to staying in their community long term (25% unreliable internet, 14% reliable internet). 

Closing the Digital Divide