Consolidated Public-Private Partnership Gets Set to Reach Vermont Broadband Milestone

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Consolidated Communications expects to complete work by November 1, 2023 on a Vermont broadband deployment project funded, in part, by the state. The project is being done through a public-private partnership with the Southern Vermont (SoVT) communications union district (CUD). When completed, that CUD will be the first in the state to achieve universal broadband coverage. The SoVT CUD received a $9 million grant from the Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB) in October 2022. When deployment it is completed, multi-gigabit service will be brought to all homes and businesses in the towns of Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Landgrove, Londonderry, Manchester, Peru, Pownal, Rupert, Sandgate, Shaftsbury, Sunderland, Winhall, and Woodford.

Consolidated Public-Private Partnership Gets Set to Reach Vermont Broadband Milestone