Coronavirus relief bill includes $7.6 billion to target the 'homework gap'
The latest coronavirus relief bill sets aside $7.6 billion to help students and teachers get online, in an ambitious effort to address the “homework gap.” The funding will allow elementary schools, high schools and libraries to purchase Wi-Fi hotspots, modems, and routers for students, and also fund the Internet service that those devices use. It will be distributed through the Federal Communications Commission’s E-rate program, which has long helped schools and libraries obtain affordable Internet access. The large amount of funding is a victory for children’s advocates who have long pressed Washington to take up some programs. But they say their next goal is to ensure the funding is effectively implemented, and assure there are permanent programs to help kids stay online.
Coronavirus relief bill includes $7.6 billion to target the 'homework gap' Congress adopts $1.9 trillion stimulus, securing first major win for Biden (WaPo) Estimated Budgetary Effects of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (CBO)