Cross-Ownership Reversal: The House

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Now that the Senate voted to repeal the Federal Communications Commission's loosening of the ban on newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership, Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) is ready to push his companion bill in the House, or alternately simply adopt the Senate resolution if it will speed it to a floor vote and passage. according to Rep Inslee's legislative director, Nick Shipley, Rep Inslee will likely talk with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other House leadership next week about the fastest way to get the bill passed, which would likely be to bring the Senate version immediately to the House floor for a vote. Going straight to the floor with the Senate bill would mean bypassing a vote in the House Telecommunications Subcommittee and full Commerce Committee, but Shipley said they have been keeping the chairmen of both committees apprised of their plans. It would be an unusual move, but not as unusual with a vote on an identical Senate bill, he added.

Cross-Ownership Reversal: The House