Dem Delegates Back Clarifying Public Interest Obligations

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It's official, support for Network Neutrality, media diversity, public interest obligations, and free airtime for candidates are officially enshrined in the Democratic platform. The platform, which was approved by the Democratic Convention delegates Monday, was put up for a vote by a former top media executive, ex-Discovery Channel President Judith McHale, who is co-chair of the platform committee. The platform, which is the party's official position on a variety of issues, includes a promise to "protect the Internet's traditional openness," as well as to ensure access to broadband by all and the naming of a chief technology officer whose job will include overseeing the creation of an interoperable communications network. The platform reflects Sen Barack Obama's stated belief that he favors technology over government regulation of content. "We will give parents the tools and information they need to manage what their children see on television and the Internet in ways fully consistent with the First Amendment," says the party.

Dem Delegates Back Clarifying Public Interest Obligations