Democrats Tee Up Host of Issues For FCC Oversight Hearing
A Democratic staff memo for the House Communications Subcommittee Federal Communications Commission oversight hearing Dec. 12 focuses on four basic issues -- broadcast incentive auctions, government spectrum policy, universal service and the IP transition.
In addition, the Democratic half of the subcommittee is looking for status reports on cell phone unlocking, in-flight mobile wireless, positive train control, the open Internet order, the IP transition, and the E-rate and Lifeline programs. The memo talks about several spectrum issues, including the three spectrum auctions mandated by Congress -- the H block auction, the first, scheduled for Jan. 22, 2014; the second, AWS-3 auction, which like the H block must be completed by February 2014; and the broadcast incentive auction, which is now scheduled for mid-2015.
Democrats Tee Up Host of Issues For FCC Oversight Hearing