Digital Equity Act at a Glance

The third grant program funded by the Digital Equity Act of 2021 is the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program. This information can guide organizations as they Get Ready to prepare their applications. The grant's purpose is to create the conditions where individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in the society and economy of the United States. Allowable uses of grant awards include:

  • Developing and implementing digital inclusion activities that benefit Covered Populations.
  • Facilitation the adoption of broadband by Covered Populations.
  • Implementing training programs for Covered Populations.
  • Making available equipment or technology for broadband services to Covered Populations.
  • Constructing, upgrading, extending, or operating new or existing public access computing centers for Covered Populations.

To learn more about the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program, see the Digital Equity Act of 2021.

Digital Equity Act at a Glance