Digital needs funding for its ‘social justice’ movement moment

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Digital inclusion and equity challenges will likely not go away until a large number of people demand change in the marketplace—and in policymaking—to make essential information and communication technologies not only available, affordable and usable, but also safe. What seems to be lacking is support for a visible social movement that complements these types of education, advocacy and networking efforts. Social movement funding is now needed to leverage this “movement moment.” The work involves building, mobilizing and sustaining community-led efforts that go beyond charitable programs such as distributing laptops to schools or providing necessary financial support for the costs of broadband. The New World Foundation identified four stages in a movement-building cycle. The first is to build infrastructure for the social movement; then build the movement’s identity and intention. That’s followed by leveraging the movement’s moment, and finally, supporting the movement’s expansion or its decision to discontinue once its goals are achieved. Examples of funders with this expertise include the Media Democracy FundJustice Funders, and Funders for Justice.

[Becky Lentz, PhD, is an adjunct associate professor with the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and a former Ford Foundation program officer who led the creation of the Media Justice Fund.]

Digital needs funding for its ‘social justice’ movement moment