Dish, DirecTV: STELA Should Be Video Reform Vehicle

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In response to a request for input from the Senate Commerce Committee on the reauthorization of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act (STELA), Dish and DirecTV filed a joint response with a laundry list of suggestions including permanent reauthorization.

STELA, the law that grants a blanket license to satellite operators to deliver distant network affiliated TV stations into local markets, and the only must-pass video legislation on the horizon, could be a vehicle for various video reforms. However, the cleaner the bill the more likely it will pass by the Dec 31 deadline.

A House draft of STELA already sports a few video reforms, though ones that broadcasters, cable ops and satellite companies appear to be able to live with. In their response to the Senate, Dish and DirecTV were clearly on the side of striking while the iron is hot, which means using STELA as a vehicle for major retransmission and other reforms. "It is time for Congress to act, and STELA reauthorization presents the perfect vehicle," they wrote.

Dish, DirecTV: STELA Should Be Video Reform Vehicle