EducationSuperHighway and Massachusetts Connect Residents To Affordable Broadband

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With President Biden signing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law in November 2021 and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) subsequently releasing Notices of Funding Opportunity which outline the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, Digital Equity Act (DEA), and Enabling Middle Mile Grant Infrastructure Program in May 2022, EducationSuperHighway and various organizations across Massachusetts are working to bring affordable broadband to the State. The organization has partnered with Springfield and Worcester (MA) Public Schools to launch an awareness campaign to get the word out about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) $30 monthly subsidy benefit and assist families with affordable broadband enrollment.  As of May, 2022, Springfield had a 42% and Worcester a 38% adoption rate, compared to the state average of 19%. In Boston, the organization provided pro bono service provider relationship management, procurement support, network design, pricing review, and Request for Information (RFI) document templates, as well as needs assessments for many affordable and/or mixed housing development portfolios. Ultimately, the organization has taken an active role in the digital equity partnership, sharing best practices on ACP adoption, training community leaders on ACP, helping review grant applications for ACP digital navigator programs, and sourcing opportunities for apartment Wi-Fi projects for underserved communities.

EducationSuperHighway & Massachusetts Connect Residents To Affordable Broadband