Facebook exits anti-privacy alliance it formed with Comcast and Google

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Facebook recently teamed up with Google, Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon in order to kill a privacy law that's being considered in California. The five companies each donated $200,000 to create a $1 million fund to oppose the California Consumer Privacy Act, a ballot question that could be voted on in the November 2018 state election. If approved, the law would make it easier for consumers to find out what information is collected about them and to opt out of the sale or sharing of any personal information.

But as Facebook handles the fallout from a privacy breach affecting up to 87 million users, the social network is dropping its public opposition to the proposed privacy law and won't donate any more money to the opposition. That doesn't mean Facebook is actually supporting the ballot question, but the ballot question lead sponsor still chalked this news up as a victory.


Facebook exits anti-privacy alliance it formed with Comcast and Google